May 29, 2014

Green Modular School Buildings Gain Popularity

Info for school planers- Green Modular School as an option

This is a very good example of how modular building can create truly sustainable learning environments for students and interesting teaching environments for instructors. Modular building has graduated from being a fast and temporary solution for schools to solve space problems to a widely accepted method of building smart, green and affordable school facilities that have less environmental impact and more educational benefits.

If you are a school planner, facility manager, architect or administrator have a look at this case study video and consider green modular school for your next permanent construction project, daycare center or even church facility. Keep in mind that modular building can be as sophisticated as your budget can afford - it's no longer a temporary solution for school housing. Interior and exterior features can be specified to your exact needs, eco-friendly materials can be used for every aspect of construction and smart technologies can be implemented to operate one or several modular classrooms on your campus.

May 27, 2014

How to save on Modular Classroom rental prices

Finding the lowest price for a modular classroom
Modular Classroom Rental

Tips and Tricks for saving on Modular Classroom Rental costs

When a school, church or daycare program needs more classroom space one of the best solutions can be modular classroom rental. These prefabricated structures can come in handy if an immediate need for classroom space occurs or if a more long term situation requires housing students and teachers for a prolonged period of time. While modular classrooms are a sensible and rapid solution to solving education space requirements the costs involved to mobilize one or multiple "prefabs" may present a new set of problems for your budget.

The costs to produce any product in the United States is on the rise and modular classrooms manufacturers are feeling the financial pinch in a big way. Labor, materials, administrative expense, transportation and a long list of other essential items all add up and the finished product - in this case a modular classroom - has a mountain of costs before it can be sold or rented. Traditionally a modular classroom was viewed as a fast and economical solution for school space needs but the "economical" part of this perspective may be changing.

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