Nov 10, 2017

Before you "click" for prices call me...

Used modular classroom
Learn how to be a smart modular classroom customer.
Shopping online to rent or buy a modular classroom is much like shopping for a car - there are many advertisements that follow you around from web page to social media and back. In some cases these advertisements are set up by companies with no experience in designing, selling or installing modular classrooms yet they want to connect you with companies that can help you. It's the middle man model and it can waste a lot of your time and money. The difference between these services and calling me can save you a bundle of time and, in many cases help you become the ideal client for a modular classroom supplier - and this puts you in the driver's seat as a buyer.

Why me?
Well let's just say that I'm a "life time member" of the modular building business and have learned what works and what doesn't for literally every type of modular classroom project. Sharing this information with school facility managers, church administrators and daycare operators is now what I do for a living and it's rewarding to see happy modular building customers.

When you call the Modular Building Hotline (800) 806-7485 you are taking the first step to learning what you need to know before you set up a budget and begin any contract with a modular building supplier. Once we connect I will guide you through these important questions:

1. How to calculate the amount of space you need.
2. How to select the ideal site to install your modular classroom.
3. What you need to know about obtaining a permit for a modular classroom.
4. Whether to rent or purchase a modular classroom.
5. If a new modular building or used modular is best for your school or church space need.
6. How to optimize your buying power and shop for the best supplier and best price.

Give me a call...I'm here to help you "piece" together your modular classroom project!


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