Portable Classrooms - Buy or Rent | iModularbuildings

A portable classroom can be installed on your campus
Portable classrooms on campus.
Portable classrooms and modular classrooms are a great solution if your school, college, church or institution has a need for additional space. Whether you buy or rent a used portable classroom or have a new model built to your exact specifications, the options for design and finishes are nearly the same as conventional building.

Many schools and churches choose to rent a modular classroom during construction of a new facility or to solve an immediate enrollment problem. Longer term needs can easily be solved by purchasing a used or new portable classroom. The speed and flexibility of modular building is perfect for keeping students and teachers comfortable and learning...long or short term.

Here are some of the most popular uses of portables for school facilities:

Find a modular daycare building for rent or to buy
Modular daycare center building.

Need to get prices, look at floor plans and discuss your questions? Contact your local suppliers by using the Portable Classroom and Modular Building Price Request Form.

1 comment:

  1. We have 5 DSA portable classrooms to sell in Glendale, California. Please contact matt@gbmmarketing.com for details.


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